There are many importers and distributors have a common difficulty is that the received chalk is broken a lot, so how to reduce these damage?
One of the most effective ways to reduce chalk breakage during shipping is to change the shape of the chalk itself. Rather than using traditional cylindrical chalk, consider designs that minimize pressure points such as rectangular shapes, triangular shapes, egg shapes, etc. By reducing the contact points with the packaging, these shapes can help to minimize breakage.
By forming the chalk into shorter and thicker shapes, there will be fewer weak points that can break under pressure. It's important to note that thicker chalk may still be vulnerable to damage in thin sections, so it's essential to also use protective packaging
Conduct Testing Conducting testing before shipping is an essential step in reducing chalk breakage. You can simulate different shipping scenarios to identify vulnerabilities and adjust the packaging accordingly. This testing will help to identify areas where improvements can be made to minimize chalk breakage.
In conclusion, there are different ways to reduce chalk breakage during transportation, including changing the shape of the chalk, using protective packaging, reducing movement inside the box, packing vertically, and conducting testing before shipping. By implementing these measures, importers and distributors can reduce the risk of damage to their products, saving time and money in the long run.